loved it!
When i like something, i like like it! good work chap!
loved it!
When i like something, i like like it! good work chap!
Eerie is the cutest little guy I’ve ever seen. The moral of the story… is to keep your ears free of random dirt and debris so the q-tips won’t come after you. I found this entry to be imaginative and original. Sometimes you gotta try new things. It’s time to teach the children.
Some people didn’t get it..That little critter is human EARWAX. The tall guys with the white heads are q tips. This movie is why I like Newgrounds so much..cause you never know what to expect from the content your about to view. I love wild space cadet movies that know normal guy/girl would dare think of. Long live the Waxer! When that guy punched that big black thing I was on the floor. lol The music was cool make it yourself?
And the server was slow earlier today I almost couldn’t get in!
Vote 10
hey, Why is this movie turd of the week? It's small, only 24k! Funny and has some cool animation. This movie should get the front page! Great job to the animator..this was fun to watch and put a smile on my face.
thanks for the help
thanks again for sharing the pre loader info.
Fix the camera!
i can,t even see your movie it's so small. Zoom in and scroll up or down so we can enjoy the action. The idea is ok, but another thing is that guy is walking too slow. Is he an old man. Keep doing it......
why such a low score?
Animation 10! Violence 10! Humor 10! don't get mad, enjoy. Make more loke.
nope! thanks for trying...
Short and sweet
Silky smooth animation at what looks like 30 frames per second, violence with blood and short. What more could a viewer ask for? Plus the file size was small. Very good work. Right now I will view all of your movies in the portal.
Look for movies by "Leemurdude" that's my other account. This one has the stuff from when I used to be MoxieClock, that one has my better work (not my best work)
A Pro movie
The This movie was executed very professionally. All of your movie in the portal is great. Low file size for quick loading and nice plots. The only thing about this movie that was bas was that the light blue fruit was under the floor shadow!!!
I'm a PRO.
Art, Animation, Aliens....
Ufo Hunter
BA, fine arts
New York City
Joined on 10/14/00